Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion And Cold In Babies

DISCLAIMER- I am not a doctor or a dietician, if your baby is having trouble in breathing or suffering from bad cold and cough please talk to your doctor as soon as possible. These things helped me a lot and if it helps any new mother I will be more than happy ?

Thinking about those sleepless nights when baby A use to have cold and congested tiny nose, still gives me jitters. When you feel helpless, as you can clearly see your baby uncomfortable and cranky. First thing I did was take him to my doctor, as being a first time parent I was scared and wanted the best care for my baby, without any delay. But the doctor said this is very common in babies and no need to worry, as long as baby is feeding and active. And that he will be ok in few days. No need to give any medication. So, we came back home with a little relief that at least his chest is clear and there is no other complications.

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Unfortunately, we were sleepless again for next two days, as he was waking up every 2 hour, crying with a blocked nose. So, I decided to try some home remedies for cold relief as it was difficult to see him suffer. These are a few things that helped baby A a lot-


Feed baby more often than regular days, as it keeps baby well hydrated and also helps to keep the mucus secretions thinned out. Also, keep a track of wet diapers.


Use a humidifier in the room, for warm or cool mist which helps in thinning out the nasal secretions and clearing the nasal passage. Humidifier was one of the most important and useful thing we bought, while I was pregnant. It helped a lot. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in it.

Ajwain or carom seeds

All you have to do is dry roast 1/4 cup of ajwain or carom seeds on a tawa, for few minutes or until nice aroma comes. Let it cool and then tie it in a clean cotton cloth or handkerchief tightly. Keep this in the corner of the crib/bassinet/bed or near baby’s pillow. Ajwain have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. It provides relief from cough and improve airflow.


Peel 1-2 pods of garlic and crush it. Rub it on baby’s feet or keep it in the socks, and then put it on baby. Alternatively, you can char few pods of peeled garlic or roast crushed garlic in a pan with 1-2 teaspoon oil, until brown. Add this roasted garlic to 4-5 tablespoon of oil (any oil like coconut, olive oil etc). Rub this oil on baby’s feet. You can also rub few drops on the bed or pillow. Store the remaining garlic oil in an empty glass bottle.

Steam the bathroom

Keep the shower running until steam builds in the bathroom. Take baby inside the bathroom and close the door. Spent 5-10 minutes in the bathroom with baby until the phlegm loosen up. Repeat 3 times a day. Giving baby a warm bath will also have the same effect.

Saline drops

Saline drops are nothing but salt water. Spray few drops of saline solution in to baby’s nose. This helps in loosen up the mucus. I didn’t make saline drops at home, but I bought it over the counter. It definitely helped a lot. Baby will be moving a lot when you spray it in the nose, so please be careful and prevent it from entering baby’s eyes. Though our doctor suggested that we can use saline drops as many times, as it does not have any side effects, but I used it 3 times a day or as required.

Elevate head

Keep baby’s head elevated while he/she sleeps. With a baby pillow or a folded cloth/swaddle.

Nasal Aspirator

It is a small rubber bulb which sucks out the mucus from baby’s nose. It was suggested my doctor but I didn’t use it, as I was scared to use it. But I have seen a lot of people using it and its totally safe. Use it before feeling.

Herbal Rub

Another thing I did was rubbing baby vapour rub or a few drops eucalyptus oil mixed with coconut oil on baby’s feet, before putting on socks.