DIY PLAY DOUGH FOR KIDS by siniscollection

Best DIY Play Dough Recipe For Kids

With lockdown going on for months, A being inside all the time, I kept searching for different activities to keep him engaged and busy. So, we decided to make some play-dough at home. I invited him to help me to make it. He was excited to measure the ingredients and mix them. This kept him busy for some time and later he was busy making different prints and things with the dough. I also let him decide which colours he wanted to use. Giving children options and small decision making power like this makes them feel important and build their self confidence. I made different colour play dough and kept them in ziplocks for future use. These play dough last almost for a month or more.

Play dough not only helps in keeping kids engaged, they also helps children in practicing their fine motor skills and creativity by make different things it. A wanted to make a solar system with all the planets and sun. I loved how he used the green and blue play dough to make the earth. He then made Saturn with rings. I tried different recipes of play dough, some worked but some were super dry. After changing few things here and there I found a perfect recipe, which stays for long and is soft and does not dry out quickly. If you try this recipe share and let me know if you and your little one liked it.


  • It is super soft and doesn’t stick.
  • The play dough lasts for months in a ziplock bag.
  • It is inexpensive.
  • It makes enough for 4-6 kids.
  • You can add different colors and even scents.



  • Stir together the flour, salt and cream of tartar in a large pot.
  • Add the water, colour (optional) and oil.
  • Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the dough has thickened and begins to form into a ball.
  • Remove from heat, allow to cool slightly. Place it on a parchment paper and knead until smooth. You can use few drops of oil to make it smooth. Once mixed together it is ready to play.
  • Repeat these steps with different food colours to make different colourful play dough.
  • Once cool, keep them sealed in ziplock bags.